Coardweave Belts
Also known within the industry as "Compound Balanced (CB)" belting, Cordweave belt is
essentially a Balanced Spiral belt which has multiple spirals and cross rods per pitch,
effectively creating a "belt within a belt". This compound structure closes up the
apertures within the belt, giving Cordweave its characteristic high density and flat surface.
Cordweave is commonly supplied in Grade 304 Stainless Steel and high carbon steel,
however other materials are available upon request. Drive is applied by use of friction
rollers, with chain edge variants being available by special request. For applications
requiring product elevation or separation, Cordweave can also be supplied with cross flights
and side plates specific to your requirements..
Compound Balanced belts are often selected as baking bands or for unstable items needing
very flat surfaces and considerable product support. The Compound balanced belt is formed
of right and left spirals fitted tightly together to provide a smooth, dense weave. Each
spiral is connected by three or more straight rods. In some specifications, the rods are
crimped and are designated by (c) in the mesh count The number designation of the rod
series indicates the number of rods necessary to connect or disconnect the belt
This mesh is ideal for conveying very fine or small products and the table like surface
lends itself to handing unstable or top-heavy items. These characteristics also make it
an excellent belt for baking.